Chandni received widespread critical acclaim upon its release, with many critics highlighting the film's impact in being instrumental in bringing an end to an era of violent action movies in Indian cinema and rejuvenating the romantic musical genre. According to iDiva, Chandni was "more an event and less a movie. Even as its shooting rolled on the sets, the film was a constant subject of discussion in the press."[7] Chandni emerged as one of the biggest blockbusters of 1989,[8] with The Hindu stating that "the film opened to full houses and distributors had to drastically increase the number of theatres."'[9] It was cited by Times of India as "one of the most-watched films of Indian Cinema."[10] Hindustan Times featured the movie in its list of 'Yash Chopra's Greatest Hits' saying "it was instrumental in ending the era of violence in Bollywood and bringing back the romance into Hindi films."
Download Chandni (1989) Hindi Full Movie and available in 480p & 720p & 1080p. This movie is based on Drama, Musical, Romance and available in Hindi.
Free Download Hindi Movie Chandni 1989